Have you ever wondered where those red spots on the skin come from? Skin irritations can be confusing, itchy, or even painful and depressing. All we think about at such a time is how to get rid of this problem.
In this article, we will guide you on how to deal with skin irritations in an entirely natural way in 2024. Additionally, we will explore one of the many types of skin irritations - psoriasis, and draw your attention to the risk factors that can cause skin irritations of all kinds.
Let's explore what psoriasis is, what the possible causes are, how to eat, and how to alleviate our problem most naturally. Read more about the ultimate InaEssentials routine, designed to be suitable for both Psoriasis and Irritated skin. We are with you!

What is psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin disease characterized by red, itchy areas of skin covered with silvery scales. These silvery scales form due to increased cell division, which is most often caused by disorders in the immune system.
These irritated areas of your skin can be painful, interfere with sleep, and even make it difficult to concentrate.
The disease tends to go through certain cycles - flare up for a few weeks or months, and then subside until the next relapse.
Understanding the nature of particular skin irritation and differentiating it from other similar skin diseases sets the stage for a significant improvement in quality of life.
Locations and types
The different types of psoriasis are Plaque psoriasis, Guttate psoriasis, Inverse psoriasis, Pustular psoriasis, Erythrodermic psoriasis, Nail psoriasis, Scalp psoriasis, and Psoriatic arthritis.
Psoriasis can manifest in various places on the body - from the scalp to the elbows and even the nails.
Speaking about the location there is even a World Psoriasis Day with a conference on the subject organized by the IFPA.
"Skin irritations can be confusing, itchy, or even painful and depressing."
Тriggers and risk factors
The causes of psoriasis are usually complex and not fully known, but there is evidence of a genetic predisposition.
While heredity is uncontrollable, there are factors causing skin irritations and exacerbating the disease that we could completely reduce. Here are a few of them:
- Tobacco
- Alcohol
- Obesity
- Infections
- Medications (e.g., drugs that treat heart disease or mental disorders)
- Stress
- Weather. Cutaneous psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis usually worsen in winter and improve in summer. This is mainly due to dry air and low sunlight.
- Skin lesions. Scratches, wounds, piercings, and even sunburn can cause lesions to appear on the skin - the Koebner phenomenon.
Sounds scary, but remember that none of these factors alone could re-induce psoriasis. The cause is always complex.
Natural remedies and home treatments
Despite numerous medical preparations, most people are looking for natural ingredients and remedies to help them in their daily battle against irritated skin. Each person is an individual and there are countless recipes for home treatment of the problem that bring relief.
We have done the same - created another recipe and turned our customers' success with our products into a Psoriasis RoutINA™.
2-step care with over 90% satisfaction from customers in the first 45 days of use
InaEssentials skincare routine for psoriasis relief
So, what exactly is Psoriasis RoutINA™? We have combined 3 of our natural products into an easy 2-step care that has received over 90% satisfaction from our customers in the first 45 days of use. This symbiosis of active ingredients soothes, stops aggravation, and improves the overall health of the skin.
Let's take a closer look at them:
- Natural Herbal Soap with Chamomile and Lemon Oil - calming effect
- Wild Saint John’s Wort Water - Hydrolina for Psoriasis and Irritated skin
- Hydrobiotic - Chamomile, Melissa & Aloe Vera - intensive soothing care for Sensitive skin
Each product has amazing natural ingredients and is loved by thousands of people with sensitive skin in over 25 countries.
What food to eat or avoid
You are what you eat!
There is nothing truer than that statement.
As you know, many of the foods we consume can cause skin irritations and inflammation.
The main categories of foods that lead to skin irritations are:
- Foods containing saturated and trans fats
- Foods containing refined carbohydrates
- Foods high in sugar
- Foods containing gluten
- Dairy products
- Alcohol
Recommended foods for psoriasis and skin irritations:
- Fruits and vegetables
- Legumes
- Fish
- Plant-based proteins
- Nuts and seeds
- Olive oil
- Whole grains
- Low-fat dairy products in small amounts
There is no one-size-fits-all formula for nutrition, as everyone is unique and one food may affect each person differently. However, a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and stress reduction are essential for the health of your entire body.
InaEssentials believes in the nature and power of herbs. It brings us joy to assist thousands across the globe in dealing with sensitive skin and psoriasis daily. Your positive feedback is our inspiration, spurring us to forge ahead and share the organic lifestyle with as many people as possible.
Our website: inaessentials.co.uk